Hello friends! I am so excited for our annual Spring and Summer Maker Call! Are you a maker wanting the opportunity to have your work featured? Do you have a special maker story that you have been aching to share because it might inspire someone else? Are you a pattern writer that just wants the opportunity to have your pattern made into a one of a kind kit that could be sold all over the world? NOW is your chance! Apply to our maker call and have your work featured right here on The Hook Nook Blog!
It has been three years since this blog was started and since then there has been...
- 200+ Makers from across the globe be featured on THNLife
- Almost 400 blog posts including patterns, DIY projects and inspiring stories
- THN featured Makers be hired/commissioned by other brands after exposure
- The Hook Nook Collection created with American Crafts which can now be found all over the world
- Creation of The Hook Nook Dream Team
- Maker Affiliate Program Started
- Maker Crochet, Knit, and Loom Kits Created for THN Shop
- Making With Meaning Published
- New The Hook Nook Retail Brick and Mortar Shop (official grand opening date TBD)
Dreams really can come true if you never give up on them!!!!
Will you join us on this incredible journey?!
We are looking Makers of all kinds to share spring and summer projects such as:
- Light weight garments
- Handbags / totes / beach bag
- Earth friendly reusable bags
- Amigurumi / childrens' toys
- Picnic/camping blankets
- Beginner-friendly projects
- Accessories
- Children’s Garments
- Home Decor
- Wedding Ideas
- Holiday-inspired projects
In addition to fiber-based posts, we are also looking to include all kinds of Makers and their talents and skills. In doing so, we are also looking for Creatives and Makers who are wanting to share content such as:
- Inspirational Posts
- Words of Wisdom/Encouragement
- "How-to" / Instructional
- Small Biz Tips
- Social Media/Marketing Tips
- Additional Craft Projects (does not need to be fiber-related - we just want people to feel inspired to make stuff!)
- Weaving
- Embroidery
- Watercolor/Painting
- Lettering
- Coloring Pages
- Gift Tag Templates
- Jewelry Making
- Sewing/Fabric Crafts
- Paper Crafting
- Recipes
- Etc
We are also looking for Makers wanting to showcase their designs in The Hook Nook products! Your design may be picked to be created into a kit for my shop! If your design gets picked, you may be able to earn a percentage of sales made from your kits!
Deadline for Maker Call is April 3rd, 2021 at 11:59pm PT
Who we are looking for: Positive Makers and artists who believe in sharing the handmade community worldwide and inspiring others that they, too, can join our community. We are team “Community Over Competition” - forever and ever.

1. Personal style: Able to create original one-of-a-kind projects while also able to explain the creative process to others. Makers may also contribute anything the Maker finds inspirational and is relative to our handmade community.
2. Tech-savvy: Has a personal or business account on Facebook and/or public Instagram account. Can write a detailed blog post sharing their work in a way that inspires others. Able to photograph their projects clearly and beautifully, in hi-res format.
3. Responsible: Can write a blog post within a deadline and can communicate through email in a timely manner.

Featured Makers will:
1. Have projects featured on The Hook Nook Life blog and shared through our social channels in 2021. All Featured Maker's work will still be under full copyright of the Maker. You can still do as you please with the content! Sell it and share it! We just want to share about YOU!
2. Potential additional opportunities may arise to apply for throughout the year in terms of additional content to the blog or other special projects/events The Hook Nook will be hosting.

Email the following to hello.thehooknook@gmail.com with the subject line as follows: THN 2021 Spring-Summer Maker Call_FirstName_LastName (example: THN 2021 Spring-Summer Maker Call_Jessica Carey)
1. List your name, email, state/country, and blog address (if you have one).
2. Send a brief bio of yourself and how our community inspires you. Maybe even a little silly tidbit about yourself!
3. List the links of your active public Facebook and Instagram profiles. Just your handle will not do. (example: https://www.instagram.com/the.hook.nook/)
4. Send 3 high res photos of projects that best represent your style. We want to see what you bring to this community! *Only hi-res and clearly photographed projects will be considered* - we want our audience and community to find beauty in what you’re doing! You find such pride in your work, find the same pride in how you showcase that hard work! We want to be able to share the best projects with our creative and supportive community, and photography is a key component in successful projects! (Note: If you are unsure if you are taking hi-res images or want more information on why this requirement is necessary, please check out this blog post I shared explaining it in much more detail!)
5. Feel free to send in new content with each new Maker call and please do not be discouraged if your work is not chosen for any specific call. If your application includes content that can be “cleaned up”, we will be sure to help advise you on suggestions. Be sure to apply again in the next Maker Call!
*Please note, due to the amount of applicants for this call, ONLY those that follow the directions of the application EXACTLY will be considered. It's gonna take us awhile to work through everyone, so following each step helps us have everything in one spot to cut down on excess time! Thank you for understanding!

I do hope you join us here on the blog and further share the wonderful joy it is to be creative! Don’t forget, sign ups end on April 3rd, 2021!
Have friends or family members who may be interested in applying? Be sure to share this Maker Call with them! Just copy and paste this link to instantly share and help spread the word about this Maker Call!
Thank you, again, to each and every person that has contributed, visited, supported, sponsored, and just plain enjoyed the blog so far. We couldn't have built this community without your help! Let's continue to see amazing things happen in 2021!